ramanda's Diaryland Diary


kiss me now that I'm older, I won't try to control you



Welcome to 2005 bitches.

I'm home! Safe and sound! Nova Scotia was lovely, as always (more on that later) and New Year's was a drunken good time and I got to spend the weekend at Baderin's cozy cottage reading a fabulous book and playing Trivial Pursuit 90's Edition and drinking way too much champagne. I've been working out in the mornings and eating well and busting my ass here at work and really, that's about all there has been time for. I owe emails and updates and an entry about resolutions but sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day for all of those things.

I stand on my street corner in the snow, waiting for the bus and I think about typing up an entry quietly, at my desk as I drink my morning tea. And then I get here and it's chaos from 8 - 5 and well, the best laid plans and all of that. There is however, time for this (via Jen).

Out yourselves lurkers!

And now for something completely different. . . the iPod has landed. And it is just as shiny and lovely as I imagined. What I did not imagine is that I would have to charge it overnight and then wait all day for it to load. I just wanna play with it already!


4:36 p.m. - 01.05.05


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