ramanda's Diaryland Diary


it was overflowing gently, but it's all elementary my friend



The Apple iPod. Now available in regular, mini and teeny-tiny. Looks like they're making a play to expand their market share. Genius, really. If they can convince people to spend $600 on a regular iPod I have a feeling the shuffle will be flying off the shelves.

In other news, I should buy a freaking Mac and learn to use it so I can actually apply to the jobs on apple.ca instead of just surfing the postings wistfully.


This is the New Year's Resolutions entry I should have written a week ago.

I'm not much of one for resolutions. To be perfectly honest, the middle of winter is probably the worst time for resolutions. I definitely feel the growth and re-birth vibe in May. In January? Not so much. That said, this New Year's coincides with some major changes I am trying to make in my life. So now seems as good a time as any to write some things down.

You will not find a list of numbers and figures here. This is not about losing a certain number of pounds or working out a certain number of times a week. It's not about saving x amount of money or committing to doing this or that. This is about feeling better and being happier with who I am and how I'm living my life. There are a bunch of things I think I can do to accomplish this. In no particular order they are:

  • Be yourself. Even if it means people will think you're crazy. Sing louder. Air guitar. Smile at strangers. Rock out in the car. Bop your head on the bus. Get drunk. Fall down. Don't lose who you are in the responsibilities of your job.

  • Don't work so fucking much. Don't get caught up in the drama. In the grand scheme, what you do is totally unimportant and 8:00 - 5:30 is more than enough time to get everything done. Anything else will just have to wait. The world will not come to an end. You will not lose your job. And if you do you can sue them for a fuck of a lot of unpaid overtime.

  • Ensure that the people you love know that you love them. And that you need them. Write emails. Send postcards. Pick up the phone once and a while. Make more dinners for friends. Go to Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax more often. Buy one of those blow-up/fold-up beds so guests always have a comfy place to sleep. Clean your goddamn apartment so people might actually want to come and visit.

  • Get healthy. Continue to work out four - five times a week. Eat well. More protein, more vegetables and fruit. Less fat and carbs. Drink more water. Try to get more sleep.

  • Refuse to feel guilty if some mornings you just don't feel like getting out of bed to work out. Don't worry about a piece of cake or some french fries once and a while. It's about living a healthier life, not about making yourself miserable for a few measly pounds.

  • Respect yourself enough to walk away from bullshit. Your own or otherwise. Life is too short and you are too busy to put up with anything but honesty and fulfilling relationships.

  • Remember that life is short. Procrastinate less. Do the dishes tonight. Don't leave them for tomorrow. Turn off the TV and pick up a book. Put down the book and go for a walk. Crank the stereo. Call a friend. Dance in the living room. Take a bath. Get a manicure. Go up to the cottage more often.

  • Realize that even though life is short, you're going to live another 60 or 70 years and you should maybe start saving for the future. Being almost 26, $6000 in debt with no real assets other than $3000 in RRSPs and a huge CD collection is not a very good place to be. Work on this so you will not still be paying off your VISA when you're 30.

  • Let go. Think about the bigger picture and don't fuss so much about the details. Nothing is as complicated or confusing as you think. Breathe deep and follow your heart.


11:37 a.m. - 01.11.05


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