ramanda's Diaryland Diary


time's come to pay your dues



I've finally figured out a way to upload music for you lovely people to access. Now when I get all caught up in a song I can post it for you to enjoy. I hear that maybe yousendit (genius idea, by the way!) puts a limit on the number of times you can access a file, so act fast kids.

I talked a bit about my obsession with Hair of the Dog by Nazareth in this entry. In short? This song fucking rocks and now it�s yours for the taking.


Speaking of things that rock! Three different people at work, on three separate occasions have commented to me that I look like I�ve lost weight. Rock, rock on. I don�t have a scale, so it�s anyone�s guess as to how much weight I�ve actually lost, but the fact that I look better is a definite plus.

And you know what? I totally feel better too. Everyone tells you that you�ll feel better and that you�ll have more energy and blah blah blah, but until you actually do it and start to feel better all on your own, you�re never going to buy it. I certainly never did. Don�t get me wrong. I�m not turning into a gym rat *shudder* or anything. I assure you that I will never enjoy working out. But I�m doing it and it feels good and it seems to be working. And so it goes. One day at a time, kids. One day at a time.

I�ve also been eating really well. I�m counting calories and trying to stick to the 30/30/40* plan. I find paying attention to what is in the food I eat is really helping me to differentiate between good choices and bad choices. Cause and effect, or something. I�m having a hell of a time getting enough protein though. I eat cottage cheese, low-fat cheddar or low-fat peanut butter and chicken, fish or eggs every day. I also eat a lot of tuna. Any suggestions on things that I could have that are high in protein and low in fat and carbs? I know nuts have a lot of protein, but they�re FULL of fat and I�m sorry, but if I�m having fat I want it in a tastier form. Like cheese, or peanut butter or chocolate. I bought some chickpeas, but I keep looking at the can and then putting it back in the cupboard because I don�t know what to do with them. Maybe I need to buy a food processor and make my own hummus or something. But then what do you do with the hummus if you can�t put it on pita bread? I don�t know. I�ll figure something out. It�s kind of adventure, actually. For example, I had catfish for dinner the other night. Then afterward I worked out how much fat is in one of those tasty little pieces of fish. There�s something like 23 grams of fat in one large catfish filet. Needless to say I�ll be eating salmon or trout next week instead. But I�m learning. And it�s interesting. And uh, that�s all I have to say about that? All this talk of food is making me hungry.


*30% of calories from fat, 30% from protein and 40% from carbs.

6:29 p.m. - 01.13.05


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