ramanda's Diaryland Diary


i've got soul, but I'm not a soldier



I don't have much time for this today cos I've got a noon deadline, but in the meantime I've got a Top Five for you.


  1. Work is a bitch and I am tired of the bullshit and I need a vacation.

  2. Dan is amazing and even though I am fiercely independent, I find myself not minding at all when he wants to see me every day. The sex is spectacular and part of me is left wondering why I went off boys for so long. It is probably not forever and I am 100% totally okay with that. For serious.

  3. I have been slacking BIG time in the exercise department and I am determined to get back on the horse as soon as my new Kathy Smith DVDs arrive. Motivational emails about how my ass isn't getting any smaller would be much appreciated.

  4. I turn 26 in six days and I cannot fucking wait. It has been well established that 25 was a bit of a struggle, but I have managed to get my life going in the right direction. I am fully anticipating being able to take my 26th year by storm.

  5. I cannot get enough of this song.


9:37 a.m. - 02.02.05


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