ramanda's Diaryland Diary


we gon' sip bacardi like it's yo birthday



26 things that 26 years have taught me (in no particular order)

  1. In matters of love, sex and fashion your mother is usually right.

  2. In matters of business and finance your father is always right.

  3. Sometimes the people you love do things that hurt you. It doesn't mean they don't love you. It doesn't mean you're not worthy. It just means they fucked up. Most of the time they deserve to be forgiven.

  4. Don't fuss over details. Nothing is as complicated or confusing as you think.

  5. Dragging your ass out of bed before dawn is worth it. Doing cardio in the morning will make you feel awesome all day.

  6. The size of your heart is always more important than the size of your pants.

  7. Never carry a balance on your credit card.

  8. A thank you note is always appropriate and always appreciated.

  9. Don't let the people you work for dictate who you are.

  10. Work is never more important than your friends and family. Never.

  11. Fuck the should haves, the could haves and the would haves. Never explain. Never complain.

  12. Honesty is always the best policy.

  13. Married men will always break your heart. Sometimes it is worth it.

  14. Be yourself. Even if it means people will think you're crazy.

  15. Know yourself. Everything else will fall into place.

  16. Trust yourself. Your brain will always make mistakes. Your heart never will.

  17. You can never have too many books, records or friends.

  18. If you rely on other people to make you happy, you will always be miserable.

  19. You should care about what your friends, family, co-workers, employees, and superiors think of you. Fuck everyone else.

  20. Girlfriends are a dime a dozen, but good girlfriends are hard to come by. Find some and hang on tight.

  21. Even the best girlfriends will eventually ditch you for boyfriends and husbands. Learn to accept this.

  22. Work hard. Even if no one notices. The satisfaction of a job well done is more important than money or recognition.

  23. Live above your means.

  24. But don�t confuse ownership with happiness. Things can make your life more fun and enjoyable. Things cannot make you happy.

  25. Take risks. Put yourself out there. Get your heart broken.

  26. Crank the volume to 11. I know it's only rock and roll. But I like it.

Happy 26th Birthday to me!


8:54 a.m. - 02.08.05


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