ramanda's Diaryland Diary


he's not what you'd call a glamorous man



Update whore, what?

At last! Someone has finally combined the two things I geek out about most. Rock music and fonts, together at last! Rock and roll typefaces, anyone?

Via. One of my new favourite reads. Speaking of favourite reads (and total geekdom) I've also been reading a lot of engadget lately. Thanks BT!


Dan I went to see Hotel Rwanda last night. You have to see this movie. It's incredible. The story? The acting? The visuals? All fantastic. And in a totally true-to-life way. This movie will make you cry like Shindler's List did. And it doesn't need cheesy little-girl-in-a-red-coat special effects to do it.

Obviously the Holocaust was a tragedy of epic proportions. I don't intend to compare. You can't count millions of corpses in an attempt to decide which genocide was worse. But my god. I always knew that millions of people had been killed in Rwanda. But until last night it was all just a bunch of numbers scrawled in an anthropology notebook. I didn't know that it happened so quickly. 1 000 000 people in three months. No bombs. No death chambers. No ovens. They killed almost a million people in 100 days with goddamn machetes.

After reading some of the stuff on the Hotel Rwanda website I think I want to read this book. I was only fourteen in 1994. I vaguely remember hearing about what was going on but not really understanding it. I also remember seeing Dallaire on TV. For some reason I have a memory of him crying at a press conference. Though perhaps I have romanticized it in my memory a bit. Either way, I think he probably has a good story to tell. Oh! It seems the book is also a movie. And it's playing at the Princess this weekend. I wonder if I can talk someone into seeing it with me.

I've also been doing some reading about the ongoing genocide in Sudan. And while I don't understand all of it, I'm working on it. Because the press stopped talking about it months ago, but it's still going on. And that scares me. I'm beginning to feel that reading the Morning Digest and watching The National is kinda like watching the previews at the movies. It gives you a taste but you have to come back and see the movie if you want the whole story.

God. Thinking about this stuff just makes me so fucking angry. The Western world has no problem trotting over to Iraq to dig out Saddam Hussein, but they can't send a couple handfuls of supplies and soldiers to help out in Sudan? Clinton and Bush Sr. are spending all their time raising awareness for the victims of the tsunami (which I think is great) but maybe one of them should take a tour of the Darfur region to raise awareness about that, too.

Clinton of all people should know better, shouldn't he?


Twelve hours from now I will be seeing M�tley Cr�e live on stage at the ACC and I cannot fucking wait!


8:33 a.m. - 02.23.05


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