ramanda's Diaryland Diary


and I�m tired of their bleeding light



If we can really cut world poverty in half over the next decade, I have just one question. Why wouldn't we?


I think it's been well established that It's Only Rock and Roll by the Stones is my personal theme song. I mean, this is the back of my iPod, for Christ's sake.

But what you might not know is that I also love Twisted Sister's cover.


In defence of yesterday's post, I do quite like Margaret Atwood's books. But the author herself? As a person? Hate. No number of award-winning books gives you the right to act so fucking smug.

You wanna hear something really disturbing? I'm currently listening to Danzig. And I am LOVING it. Seriously. Danzig? The hell? I'm totally going add Danzig's Lucifuge to my BGO wish list. (#1 customers, right BT?) I can hear Eve cheering all the way from Brooklyn.

Now. I'm a good Canadian girl. I like the snow. I even like a little -10 now and again. Nothing like a couple days of sub-zero weather to put the blush back in your cheeks and make you appreciate a cozy apartment and some warm hiking boots. That said. This -22 before the wind-chill business is too much for even the proudest Canadians. I got a chill this morning standing at the bus stop and I have yet to warm up. If I'm wearing a tank top, a sweater, a winter coat, mittens and a toque I should not still be cold. Ever. It ain't right.

You know, since I bought my iPod I switched from Winamp to iTunes. The problem is that my Winamp loved Zeppelin and Metallica and iTunes seems to prefer Emienem, Dave Matthews and RHCP. Ooooh Twisted Sister. NICE! If you'll excuse me I've got some hot tea to drink and some so-bad-it's-good 80s metal to rock out to. I also have to write a training module about Return on Investment. But first we rock.



9:01 a.m. - 01.18.05


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