ramanda's Diaryland Diary


in a black hearted alley fight



I've been using Firefox at home for about six months. Matt turned me onto it and I love it. The tabbed browsing especially. I installed it here at work, but our corporate intranet only works in IE and I find it painful to have to switch between two different browsers for personal versus work-related surfing.

Yesterday afternoon I was whining to BT about how I wished Microsoft supported tabbed browsing. Apparently he had been complaining to one of the other webbies about the exact same thing yesterday morning. I think he may have taken this as a sign it was time to take matters into his own hands. Because not 15 minutes after our conversation he installed Microgarden's WebTools for me and now I can use the company standard browser (don't even get me started) with tabs. Everyone wins! Proving (once again) that BT is a genius.

Holler at your boy.

Until yesterday I totally forgot that I'm going to see M�tley Cr�e next week. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to forget, but I did and now I am this excited all over again. Seriously. I'm listening to Too Fast for Love cranked to 11 and I can't quite believe that in 6 days I will be dancing and screaming and seeing them live.

In other news, thank god it's Thursday. This week is taking forever.


9:33 a.m. - 02.17.05


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