ramanda's Diaryland Diary


thinking out loud and acting in vain; knocking over anyone that stands in my way



Good news! Apparently I don't need to go so far as to try Marcy's pregnancy scare test. It seems that simply writing about maybe being worried about possibly being pregnant in my online diary is enough to jump start my uterus into action. So yay for that! I had kind of forgotten the thrill terror that is waiting for a late period to arrive. I can't say as I have missed that feeling one bit.

Most of this entry has been brewing in a text file on my desktop for since last week.

Last Saturday night saw me and the kids from work getting silly on beer, rye and coke, rye and ginger, jagermeister, tequila and anything else we could get our hands on. There was yelling and laughing and dancing and smoking and drunken voicemail message leaving. The end of the night saw BT and I rockin out to Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy in his garage while Scott and Ian looked on in horror.

Sunday afternoon held a trip to the movies with Dan. Word to the wise. Be Cool has a lot of potential, but it just doesn't live up to the hype. The character development is clich�, the plot is weak and all the funny bits are in the preview. On the up side, the movie does a good job of making fun of itself (and the movie business in general). That, and Andre 3000 was adorable.

After the movie we hit the grocery store for ingredients and then I tired my hand at this recipe. I'd never made chilli before, so I was quite happy with how it turned out. I've downloaded a whole bunch of recipes from Kinetix and I'm going to try another one this weekend.

I got a belated birthday card from Jon last week. The card was stripy and sparkly and inside it we're sweet words and a Chapters gift card. Which reminded me that I had another Chapters gift card leftover from Christmas that I hadn't spent.

So I pulled out the running list of books I should/want to read and chose the following:

The Public Burning
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
Eats, Shoots And Leaves
The Beauty Myth
Hammer Of The Gods
The Satanic Verses

When it comes to literature I have been seriously slacking. Between work and working out and Dan and my friends I never get to bed before 11:30 and then I'm asleep 10 minutes after I crawl under the covers. I'm hoping that a nice stack of trade paperbacks will break me out of this slump.

Now, I was going to write about how my mission for the weekend was to clean up my goddamn apartment. But I didn't have to. Because of Dan. See, he spent the night Wednesday night. Thursday morning he was working in Kitchener at 11:00. So, instead of driving all the way back to Guelph, he just stayed at my place. I left for work around 7:45. I assumed he would stay in bed until it was time for him to get ready to go to work. Instead he spent his entire morning cleaning my apartment. How cute, exactly?

Thursday night when I got home from Sandra's after dinner and Survivor I spent 15 minutes wandering around my apartment flicking the lights on and off and marvelling at a boy who would do such a thing. So sweet. And then Friday? He made me dinner. Shrimp and veggies and a really yummy salad. On the table when I got home from work Friday night. A girl could get used to this.

Friday night after dinner we hit McMullan's with some of the kids from work for pre-drinking before we hit up Starlight for drinking and dancing to funk music and avoiding eye contact with the many, many other RIMployees in attendance. Heh. Saturday morning Dan and I had breakfast at Angel's before he dragged me to Home Depot. I tried to refuse on principle. I tried to tell him that we are not yet at the stage in our relationship where we can go to the Home Depot together. He wasn't having any of it. On the way home I started to feel sick. By the time we reached my building I was willing myself not to be sick in the elevator. I spent the rest of Saturday alternately throwing up and reading. Sunday was less throwing up and more reading. Also grocery shopping. I felt like a normal human being again after waking up around 6:00 from a late afternoon nap. I made a tasty salad and had some soup, which I managed to keep down.

Today? I am fine. I even worked out this morning. The hell? A 24 hour flu on the weekend? I call bullshit. I should have called in sick today. You know, on principle. And maybe so I could spend a day on the couch resting up for the week ahead. Tonight is dinner and laundry and 24 with Dan. Wednesday is RENT! Thursday is St. Paddy's Day. I have Friday off (because I have two vacation days from last year to use before the end of the month and because Thursday is St. Paddy's Day) and Friday night is Dave and Becky's Stag and Doe. Then Saturday I'm going to a party in Guelph with Dan and his friends. I'm a busy little bee.

I have an entry brewing in my head about Dan and I. About how I feel (or don't feel) about our "relationship". I've also got a manual to update and a marketing brochure to create. So that entry will have to wait. Which is probably best anyway. I think my thoughts on the whole thing are still percolating. If you don't hear from me for another week at least you'll know why.


10:29 a.m. - 03.14.05


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