ramanda's Diaryland Diary


some of the boys got loaded drunk, and they ain't got sober yet



Gone are the days of green pancake breakfasts*, shots of whiskey at 10am and drinking beer all afternoon. But that doesn't mean I can't get my St. Paddy's on. I just have to start the party a little later nowadays.

I'm leaving work at 4:00 to go out and get my St. Paddy's Day drink on. About half my co-workers are either coming with me or meeting up with us later on. All anyone can talk about is how much fun it's going to be and how messy it's going to get.

I don't care if being excited about getting drunk is one of the first signs of alcoholism. I am AMPED to go out tonight and let loose a little. I've even taken tomorrow off in anticipation of being too hung-over to go, well, anywhere.

Happy St. Paddy's Day, kids! Drink responsibly. Oh who am I kidding? If you don't plan on drinking responsibly, please leave your car at home.

Erin Go Bragh!


* My god! Look how young we were! I can't really believe that was four years ago. I remember that morning so well that I can almost taste those pancakes.

2:21 p.m. - 03.17.05


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