ramanda's Diaryland Diary


I try to think about hairdos, tattoos, sushi, boys, and saxophones. . .



Phew! What a week! RENT, St. Paddy's, Dave and Becky's Stag and Doe and then Natalie's surprise party on Saturday night. (Remember this entry? Where I said I was going to a party in Guelph with Dan and his friends? Bold-faced lie. Had Nats totally fooled too! I'm so sneaky.)

Matt, Amy and I spent the past month scheming and planning and writing excited emails back and forth in anticipation of the surprise party we were throwing for Miss Natalie's birthday. Saturday afternoon was picking up the giant cake and wrapping her present and buying many, many Hawaiian themed decorations before dashing off to the party room at Morty's to decorate. People trickled in slowly as we drank and snacked and watched the door until Matt brought Nats down around 7:00 (as planned). She was so surprised that she spent the first 10 minutes walking around hugging everyone and saying hi, over and over again. Then we dressed her up in a grass skirt and covered her in leis and some Phyllis Diller-style sunglasses. Hee!

So, Operation Surprise Natalie? A rousing success. Even if certain members of the party had to go home around 10:30 with a sore throat and a fever. Side note: I'm really sorry I had to come home early and couldn't accompany you to Phil's. If it's any consolation Dan was hoping that us being home so early meant he was going to get some. Instead, I took some cold medicine and passed out pretty much immediately after crawling in to bed. Where I proceeded to roll myself up in the duvet, right in the middle of the bed and snore like a sailor, forcing him to fend for himself on the couch. Heh.

As a side effect of listening to BX93 non-stop for the past week, my new favourite song is I Try to Think About Elvis by Patty Loveless. Seriously. So good. Makes me want to get drunk (preferably on beer drunk directly from the bottle), and get my two-step on. Coindicendentally? I don't think I know how to two-step. Unfortunately? That likely isn't going to stop me.

Though this cold might. Except I think maybe it's not a cold at all, but strep throat. Awesome. I should maybe be home in bed. Though my back hurts from spending pretty much all of yesterday on the couch. Also, I have some pressing stuff to take care of here at work today and tomorrow. I've already vowed to go to the doctor on Wednesday if I don't feel better by tomorrow night.


4:04 p.m. - 03.21.05


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