ramanda's Diaryland Diary


some people claim that there's a woman to blame, but I know it's nobody's fault



Seems today is a day of lists!

Top 10 reasons why my iPod is better than my "boyfriend"

  1. My iPod listens to the music I want to listen to and does not listen to Hot Fuss by the Killers over and over and over and over again.

  2. My iPod doesn't expect me to pay for beer when it is running short on cash.

  3. My iPod does not scoff at my choices in television programming.

  4. My iPod does not make me watch episodes of Futurama at every given opportunity.

  5. My iPod is not interested in anal sex.

  6. My iPod goes wherever I want to go (even to Shoppers Drug Mart!)

  7. My iPod doesn't pout when I don't want to stay out late drinking on a work night.

  8. My iPod is not a pothead and does not insist that marijuana is the cure for anything (headache, upset stomach, head cold, anything!) that ails it.

  9. My iPod has no problem making decisions and makes suggestions instead of shrugging and saying, "I don't know, what do you want to do?"

  10. My iPod is always ready when I am, and once it is ready it can go for almost 12 hours at a time.


Three reasons today is awesome.

  1. It's going to be 12 degrees and sunny today. 12 degrees! And sunny! Spring HAS sprung! Which means I can wear my brand new, robin's egg blue trench coat. This coat, by the way, makes me feel like the cutest girl ever.

  2. I have a whole bunch of new country mp3s to rock out to. (Thanks BT!)

  3. I'm totally going to see Jimmy Buffett at Molson Amphitheatre on June 13th!


11:13 a.m. - 03.29.05


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